
Articles / Blogues

Why and How you Should Build a Terrasse for your Enterprise

11 June 2024 Author:

Building a terrasse for your enterprise has become an indispensable trend in today’s professional world. This extension of the workplace provides many advantages, both for employees as well as for the enterprise as a whole. Discover 5 reasons to start thinking about setting up a terrasse area for your enterprise. 5 Reasons to Build a […]

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Glass Partitions: Choosing Transparency for your Enterprise

2 May 2024 Author:

The use of glass partitions and glass in general in commercial design has become an unavoidable trend in modern architecture. This transparency comes with many advantages from both an aesthetic and functional standpoint. In this article, explore the role of glass in contemporary design and the advantages of transparency in your enterprise. Glass in Modern […]

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Design résimercial: Allier fonctionnalité, bien-être et convivialité

7 March 2024 Author:

L’environnement de travail joue un rôle de plus en plus crucial dans la satisfaction des employés, la productivité et même la rétention du personnel. Une tendance émergente appelée « résimercial » propose une approche novatrice pour repenser les espaces de bureau traditionnels en intégrant des éléments de confort et de convivialité inspirés de l’environnement résidentiel. Explorez comment […]

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Improving Well-Being at Work: WELL Certification and Other Tips

16 February 2024 Author:

Improving well-being at work has become an important objective for enterprises that prioritize the health and happiness of their employees. More than simply physical health, this includes the mental, emotional, and social well-being of each team member. Explore various strategies to improve well-being at work that will also impact productivity and the long-term success of […]

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Les grandes tendances bureaux 2024

22 January 2024 Author:

Au cœur des tendances en aménagement de bureaux se dessinent un paysage dynamique pour l’année 2024. Explorez les aspects clés qui façonnent la conception et l’utilisation des espaces de travail. De l’importance de la durabilité à l’influence grandissante de la technologie, chaque tendance offre une perspective unique sur la création d’un environnement de travail qui […]

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4 Ways to Innovative Your Offices

12 September 2023 Author:

Workspaces have evolved over time to become much more than simply a space in which to carry out our professional activities. We now know that they have a major impact on concentration, productivity, and collaboration within a team; they even influence people’s mood. This article proposes 4 innovative methods to transform your work spaces into […]

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