Phone Booths Are Back : A Trend Worth Adopting!
The ambient noise and the lack of privacy in the workplace have become real daily frictions in many companies, particularly with the increasing tendency of companies to rely on open plan offices. One solution that is gaining popularity to overcome this reality is the phone booth.
Indeed, the concept of telephone booths is back on track to provide venues for telephone discussions while providing an opportunity to enhance the design of a workspace. Here are the main factors that make the phone booth a trend to adopt.
The Benefits of a Phone Booth
Calls with Peace of Mind
Closed offices are disappearing more and more from the current configurations of workspaces in order to favor the optimization of available space as well as the collaboration between colleagues. However, the atmosphere can quickly become very noisy in an open office-type space and privacy is scarce.
In-house telephone booths are a practical, compact and a design solution offering a soundproof place to isolate yourself during telephone conversations. Depending on the available space and the needs of your teams, different models of phone booth exist, varying in terms of soundproofing, support furniture and space.
For maximum privacy and concentration, closed booths are the most complete solution. There are, however, other, more open options that offer varying levels of sound and visual isolation.
A Practical Installation
Most phone booths do not require any construction work during installation. So you do not have to fear the inconvenience and disruption that a construction site can cause on your professional activities. In addition, telephone booths can easily be moved, for example if the business changes its location.
Their mobile nature makes them an asset for evolving spaces and growing businesses that occasionally have to redesign their work areas or move into new offices to accommodate the growing number of employees.
An Original Design
Integrated into a thoughtful layout, the phone booth is an original design piece that does not fail to make a statement. Semi-open or closed, the telephone booth can become a central part of the visual signature of your business premises.
Many options exist on the market and offer you a variety of choices to customize your booth (s)according to:
• The Size
• The Shape
• The Color (s)
• Finishing materials
• Casual furniture
In addition, as a trend of growing popularity, the phone booth can be an element in your favor for the recruitment and retention of your employees, it provides in an original, ergonomic and cutting-edge workspace.
After losing popularity in public spaces in the age of mobile technology, the payphone is making a triumphant return to offices. A true artifact of the industrial age, the phone booth is coming back into the workspace in a new way to provide an insulated, call-friendly space, as well as being an effective design element that is easy to install and move. It is not surprising that the trend seems determined to take hold. Indeed, it is more and more common to find phone booths in new work space developments, especially when it comes to open space office designs.
So, will you consider setting up a telephone booth in your workspace?